Berger Primary School

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London's Burning!!

Year 2 spend the last week of term linking their History, Science and Literacy topics by building their own Tudor houses. We worked in teams to build them and thought carefully about the materials used at the time.

What a WOW end to our Great Fire of London topic answering the question excellently of ‘Why did the fire spread so quickly?’ The weather was on our side to showcase the problem with strong winds, houses were closely packed in and were made with wood(paper) and straw.

Year 2 sang London’s Burning as our own London burnt down, luckily Victoria and John were there to ‘pour on water’ when the fire continued to spread from house to house.

Willow class could clearly see why the King wanted London to be rebuilt from brick and stone!

This topic has been a great start to Year 2 and enabled fantastic discussions, lots of learning and a cross curricular creative approach!