Berger Primary School

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Our Roman WOW Day

In Year 4, we introduced the kids to our new topic by exploring the Romans.

In the morning, we had a carousel of four activities, each lasting 15 minutes. The first activity was a Roman Feast! We ate grapes, strawberries, oranges, tomatoes, cheese and bread and created our own delicious menu. The second activity was to build Roman sandals. They were a bit too small, even for our feet, but they look great! For the third activity, we made dice with Roman numerals. Our task was to pick a physical activity and do it the number of times which appeared on the dice e.g. If the dice landed on V we had to do 5 star jumps. The final task was to try on togas, a very important part of Roman culture. We were excellent at following the written instructions so most of us got to have a race to see who was the fasted at securing their clothing.

In the afternoon, we learned about the importance of public speaking in Roman times. We discussed the features of persuasive writing and were told that we would have to write a speech to become Berger’s next emperor. Once we had all written our speeches, we voted in our table groups for the best one. Each of our nominees (or candidates) then had to stand in front of the class and present their speeches. The importance of democracy was discussed as we each privately voted for the person we believed should be Berger’s Emperor. And guess who it is… ZEYNEP! She made promises we just couldn’t refuse.

We look forward to learning much more about the Romans!