

Humanities at Berger is driven by enquiry based learning. Each lesson builds on the one before and aims to focus children’s learning on answering enquiry questions. Learning is centred around a broad key question which challenges children to use their critical and deeper thinking skills which are developed through P4C lessons. 

Humanities at Berger is cross-curricular. Children are encouraged to make links through their topics to as many curriculum areas as possible - especially the arts! Teachers have worked hard to choose books for our reading lessons which link closely to our topics in each year group. Children will enjoy a range of genres as the year goes on including both fiction and non-fiction books through which they will learn a lot about their topics. 


History at Berger is diverse. We are proud of our local history and children enjoy Local History Week where they explore Hackney’s varied and broad history through studying local authors, poets, musicians and artists. 

History at Berger is inclusive. Each topic includes a diverse list of key people who have contributed to this field and who may have been historically overlooked due to their race, ethnicity, gender or sexuality.

History topics require children to: use sources; evaluate the validity of certain sources and develop a broad understanding of British history and how key events have impacted on the Britain we live in today. 


Geography at Berger is a celebration. We aim to immerse children in the culture of places they are learning about through festivals, the arts, food and more. Children will learn about different countries and habitats around the globe in relation to where we are and where we live. 

Geography at Berger is skilful. Children will use the outdoor space and fieldwork to develop their geography skills understanding how human and physical geography features link together and impact one another. We also encourage children to think about human impact on the world we live in and the consequences this has for our planet.

Geography topics require children to: understand how and why places are changing and to better imagine, predict and work towards, likely and preferred futures.