The ethos and intent which guides life at Berger

At Berger Primary School our Creative Curriculum provides children with engaging lessons with an emphasis upon practical and stimulating learning experiences.  It does this whilst supporting them to make connections, develop skills and build knowledge so that they become resilient, creative and independent learners.  The arts are utilised as a lens through which children’s learning is enriched. We believe that this enrichment allows children a variety of ‘ways in’, expanding their ability to apply their learning more flexibly.

We aspire for Berger children to be reflective and resilient lifelong learners with the confidence, skills and knowledge needed to solve problems effectively. Our children are diverse, curious and creative.  Berger’s curriculum builds upon and enhances their cultural capital, experiences and communication skills. Explicit links between areas of learning and the arts allow us to broaden their horizons through accessible lessons and making learning exciting.

When creating plans, we consider the National Curriculum and children’s learning journeys as a whole and have designed learning to develop; lesson on lesson, term on term, year on year.  Planning revolves around enquiry questions and is structured to build towards, both written and creative outcomes.  Children’s individual needs, abilities, interests and prior knowledge drive their learning and these are accounted for in planning and delivery.

At Berger, we are focussed on the growth and development of ‘the whole child’. Through Berger Together and the teaching of Philosophy for Children our curriculum challenges discrimination, promotes inclusivity and embodies both British values and the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child. Having a curriculum which champions the diversity of our community enables all our children to celebrate who they are.

For further information about the positive impact of arts participation, please refer to findings by the Education Endowment Foundation.

Berger’s core value is: Celebrating who we are!
In practice this means:
- We include everyone.
- We support everyone to be their best.
- We consider our contribution to the wider community.

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