Summer 2

Maths - Learning how to represent addition as parts and whole.

Topic - WOW Day. We watched an old and new movie then designed our own movie posters!

RE- Hindu art. We created a mesmerizing piece of Rangoli art using pastels, rice and flower petals!

Literacy - We read different stories and noted down the features that made the story a fairy tale.

Science - We created our own summer gardens in a tray to observe seasonal changes during the summer.

Culture Day - We loved celebrating all of our amazing cultures.

Summer 1

Art - Creating Zara Hussain inspired patterns.

Forest School - Exploring during seasonal walks.

Maths - Calculating one more and one less.

Open Classroom - Creating a Spring collage with parents.

Computing - Creating a digital setting.

PSHE - What is mental health?

Geography - Hot and cold deserts making.

Science - (Senses) What makes us human?

Autumn 2

Topic - Young V&A Toy Museum

Art - Inspired by Lubania Himid

Turkish - How to greet others

Science - How to measure temperature

PHSE - How to protect the environment

Christmas Party Time!

Maths - Non-unit measurement

Topic - What is a protest?

Literacy - Story Sequencing

Computing - How to take a picture and record a video

Topic - Being Brave (Rosa Parks & Emily Davison).

Autumn 1

RE - Christians at Harvest (Making at yummy fruit salad to say ‘thank you’ to our classmates.

Music - Ukulele time!

Science - Everyday Materials (Observing different materials).

History - Old and New toys (Exploring why people need to play).

Maths - Counting within 100

DT - Making old toys new (cup and ball toy).

PSHE - Road Safety

Art - Seasonal Collages

Literacy - Exploring fiction and non-fiction texts.

WOW Day - Exploring old and new toys.

Summer 1

Turkish - Counting 1-10

Forest School - Exploring time!

Independent Reading

PSHE - Healthy Living (Exercising)

Art - Spring Collage

WOW Day - Hot and Cold Deserts

Hackney Museum Trip - Why is Hackney Special?

RE - What is Islam?

Literacy - SPAG

Year 1 Creative Display - Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”

Maths - Numbers 1-20

Ukulele Time!

Spring 2

Maths - First, Then and Now stories.

Literacy - Descriptive Settings

PSHE- Similarities and Differences

Drama Workshop - What makes Hackney Special?

Geography - Continents of the world.

Open Classroom - Reading and Roleplay

Art Workshop - What makes Hackney special?

Spanish - Feelings

Geography - Walk around Hackney.

Easter Parade!

Science - Plants

Music Workshop - What makes Hackney special?

Yew Class - Summer 1

Yew Class - Spring 2

Yew Class - Spring 1

Yew Class - Autumn 2

Yew Class - Autumn Term

Yew Class - Autumn 1

Spring 1 Maths No Problem!

We looked at shapes, positional language and measurement. We also continued revising our number bonds to and within 10.

PSHE - Goals

Amelia Earhart inspired us to think about our personal goals and how we would achieve this.

Here are some examples.