Citizenship Workshop

Chestnut went on a trip to the Forest Road Youth Hub and took part in a series of seven workshops. They looked at travel safety, road safety, fire safety, dental hygiene, mindfulness and mental wellbeing and other interesting topics. We were so proud of how well the children took part in the workshops and engaged.

They really did Berger proud. They also met the mayor and deputy mayor at the end of the workshop. The children were so excited they all rushed in to the group photo and nearly squashed the mayor haha!

Building Air Raid Shelters

We’ve learned about WW2 this term and how Anderson Shelters were used to keep people safe from air raids during the blitz. We attempted to make our own shelters and then tested them with bombs being dropped on them or water being splashed on them too. Great fun!

Berger's Rave!

Breaking News!

Children at Berger have been learning about the history of grime music. To help children understand about how this movement grew through illegal raves and club scenes we have a pretend illegal rave at school! Children had to sneak out of class and head down to the studio where DJ Armstrong hosted the party of the century!

Forest School 2

We went for our second visit to forest school and has a much more autumnal experience. The leaves had changed colour, the weather was nippier but we all still had a lovely time. Thanks to our parents helpers for coming along too!

Children In Need

For Children In Need we wore our pjs to school and helped raise lots of money towards a fantastic cause.

Forest School

We had our first trip to Forest School and had a blast! Making art with wool, building shelters, climbing trees… can’t beat some time out in nature.

Fundraising for children's cancer charities.

Berger united to raise more than £1400 to split between two cancer charities after being inspired by one of our brave young pupils who is currently battling cancer themselves. We all wore yellow to show our support and Chestnut created this poster using the theme of yellow.

Summer 2 - CPR Workshop

Wow! Today we learned a skill that could help to save a person’s life in an emergency. We were lucky enough to be joined by Dr Ali who taught us all the different stages to safely and correctly give CPR in the case of somebody going in to cardiac arrest. We all remembered the stages to start such as checking if the environment was safe and making sure to call 999. We also had a go on a practise dummy which made a noise if we were pressing hard enough.

Summer 2 - RE Creative Topic

Every half term we look at a different religion from around our diverse world and chat about our own beliefs too. This half term we looked at how all religions can use art, sculpture and song to express their beliefs, show reverance and inspire awe. We then focussed back on Buddhism and made our own Vesak lanterns. We then drew our own mandalas, and then we made 3D wall plates showing our own inner feelings and thoughts.

Summer 1 - Art

Among all the hard work and stress of SATs we’ve found our art lessons to be a nice way to relax and unwind. This half term we looked at Frida Kahlo, Salvador Dali and Hokusai (known for his painting - The Wave.) Here are just a few of our amazing pieces of work.

Summer 1 - Victoria Park Celebration

The children all worked so hard to do their best in their exams that we thought it only fair they should get a day of freedom. All 57 year six pupils went and enjoyed the sun in Victoria Park. We had a great time, all the children were on fantastic form and Miss Barry said they were the most impressive group of children to ever visit Vicky Park! Well done Chestnut :)

Summer 1 - SATs

It’s the moment all year 6 pupils know is coming…

All the children worked so hard in the run up to their exams and all of them made such a great amount of progress. Whatever their scores may be we know we can be proud of all they’ve achieved! Well done Chestnut :)

Summer 1 - Forest School

Despite a very wet week, we all went and had a lovely squelchy time at forest school. It was great to see all the trees looking bright and green and healthy again and the noise of the gentle rain drops on the tree canopy above us was lovely.

Spring 2 - Samba Music Performance

We were very lucky to be given a performance by a band from Hackney City Academy. The music was loud, the rhythm was thumping and then the children were able to get involved and try the instruments themselves.

Spring 2 - Spanish Assembly

As part of our ongoing Spanish practice the whole school took part in a sharing assembly of what we’ve learned so far. We decided to put all of our knowledge into a video pretending we were giving a weather forecast for Hackney. Feel free to watch our video below and see if you can guess the different weather phenomena happening in Hackney. Enjoy!

Spring 2 - World Book Day

Chestnut Class got into the spirit of all things literary for World Book Day 2024. We had some absolutely superb efforts for our costumes and the class really enjoyed being their favourite characters.

Spring 2 - Forest School

February brought about our first Spring visit to Forest School. There were buds and blossoms starting to appear on the trees and it was definitely warmer than the last time we went! We found worms, climbed trees, dug, picked litter and even bumped into the same police officer we met last time. Children also used buckets and rope to take water from the canal… until the bucket went on an adventure downstream…