We started our half term with a wow day in which we tried different Australian foods. We made anzac biscuits, pavlovas and vegemite sandwitches. The children tried them all and recorded whether they liked them or not on a taste report.

We made some dot painting, painted bush fires, made koalas out of news paper and located Australia on the map.

We then explored Australian animals, read stories with different animals, wrote facts about them all and made it into a book. We finished up the topic by going to the London Zoo where we saw Wombats and Emus!

PSHE and P4C

We discussed emotions and how to recognise and manage them. We also discussed how we are powerful and what sort of power we have ourselves. Here are some examples of the many things we did.

Maths in Spring 1

This half term we focused on measurement. We explored weight, length and positional language. We used scales to compare weight and see what is heavier and what is lighter. They also tried finding the equal weight.

For measurement, we started by discussing why people measure things by reading “How Big is a Foot”.
We then made prints of our feet and measured things with them. We realized that this was not the best way to measure, as we all have different sized feet!
So we used cubes to compare and measure, and finally learned about rulers and how to use them.

We played games that entailed them putting beanbags on, in, next to, in front of, behind, between… etc. It was loads of fun! (sadly, I don’t have pictures to share for this…

Creative curriculum and free flow - Spring 1

We love play in the early years. We also love allowing the children to follow their curiousity and see how they apply what they know and what they learn to their play. Here are a few pictures showing what sort of activities we had out this half term.

Famous People - Wow day (Spring 1)

To really get into the author mentality, we hd a “Wow Day”, in which we turned into authors. We dressed up and came up to tell story ideas in front of each other. We wrote our own strories in groups, ilustrated them and turned them into a book that we shared with the whole class.
We also had a go at writing with quills, like old fashioned authors.

Free flow Autumn 2

As part of our EYFS curriculum, our children are encouraged to choose what they would like to play while they learn. Here are some pictures of the children during what we call free flow. As you will se, we like bringing out their creative side.

Maths Autumn 2

We explored number, quantity and numerals in different ways. We focused on 0-10. Here are some examples of activities we tried out.

The first gallery is an activity we called Inventory Bags

The next one was about feeding the characters equal amounts and how if not it was not fair!

Composing and decomposing we used cubes to find different ways to make a number.

Parts of a whole, using shapes to match on top of a whole picture.

Transport Trip - Autumn 1

We took a transport trip to the Emirates Cable Cars in Greenwich.

We had to take the overground, the Underground, the DLR and the cable cars. We really tasted out different ways of travel and connections! …

Drama and Literacy - Autumn 2

We read Mr. Gumpy’s Outing and Who Sank the Boat and acted out the stories to each other.

Float or Sink experiment - Science

After reading The Boat Ride and Who Sank the Boat, we tried out what materials are best when going on water to avoid sinking.
We realised plastic and wood were great, as well as foil. Paper was not…

Transport - Autumn 2 WOW Day

We introduced our transport topic with a Wow Day. The children were able to test out different types of transport at school. Here are some pictures of the event

Launchpad for Language Parent Session

We were lucky enough to have our Speech & Language specialist visit us and show us a fun and engaging way to encourage communication and language development at home.
We invited the parents in for the session and we all made sock puppets to use at home for this very reason.

Here are some pictures of the lovely session!

Science - Materials

We explored materials and their properties and sorted them. We described what they felt like, and where they might come from.

Maths - Autumn 1

We had a big focus on number.
We ordered numbers, matched numerals to amounts and counted out objects. We also subitised and found different ways of making numbers, learning that they still are the same amount, even if arranged differently.

Now and Then! - Autumn 1

This half term we focused on our history linked topic: Now and Then.
We explored how humans change from birth to adulthood and beyond.

We started out topic with a WOW DAY in which we turned the classroom into a nursery. We explored baby objects and discussed what they are used for. We acted out how to care for babies, changing diapers and feeding or bathing them. We moved like babies, sang nursey rhymes and tried baby food!

We also looked at pictures of them as babies and made a comparising between them today (making portraits).

As an arts-based school, we pride ourselves in allowing children to engage with the Early Years Provision in a creative way, exploring with drama, plastic arts and design and technology. We invite creativity in their play, allowing them to learn in a fun way.

Now and Then! Autumn 1

We started this very strange year getting to know each other and settling into our Reception environment.

We explored into human growth with out topic Now and Then. We discussed how we begin our life as babies, then become toddlers, children, teenagers, grownups and finally elderly people.

We used several books to introduce these changes, and how we also change personally (not just physically) as we grow.

Launchpad for language parent session

Parents enjoyed a parent session run by Melody Platford our speech and language therapist today. They had fun making Alan the alien puppets with their parents/carers.

What a success!!

Frieze Sculpture exhibition, Regent's Park

This year in Elm Class we have some really exciting trips planned, covering the different topics we are learning about.

We have already been on our first Art-based trip, the Frieze Sculpture exhibition in Regent’s Park, where we explored many different forms of sculpture and the different materials and techniques used. The children loved exploring art in the open and it has given us some fantastic ideas for bringing art and sculpture into our outdoor learning environment!