Continents and Oceans
In topic, we have been learning about the UK and the world. We made our own maps of the world using paper plates.
In topic, we have been learning about the UK and the world. We made our own maps of the world using paper plates.
In topic, we have been learning about the UK in the world. We learnt about human and physical features and sketched our own. We used oil pastels to add colour.
In DT we have been learning about transport. We designed and made some vehicles to see how well they moved
In DT we have been learning about transport and the how vehicles move. In art, we made clay cars with different features of a vehicle.
After collecting data during our science lesson, we inputted the data into a bar chart to show how many mini beasts we found on our hunt for micro habitats
We learnt about the Easter story in Christianity and the last week of Jesus’ life. We learnt about symbols that represent Easter time during spring. We decorated and made our own hot cross buns to symbolise the crucifixion.
We safely burnt our Tudor houses to reenact the Great Fire of London
In line with our Great Fire of London topic, we visited Homerton Fire Station to learn more about fire safety!
In PHSE we have been learning about our local area and where fruit and vegetables come from. We made our own vegetable patch using paint
We have been learning about the Great Fire of London. We created some art to represent the Great Fire inspired by Kandinsky’s work
As an introduction to our Great Fire of London topic, we acted out carrying buckets of water to put the fire out! We learnt that in 1666, there was no fire brigade so people had to use leather buckets of water to put the fire out!
As part of the E Project, we created different instruments using different materials
We learnt about different perspectives and created stop motions for our own characters
We have been learning about our local area, Hackney. We have looked at maps and satellite images of the places around us, so we made our own Hackney maps using resist art
In art, we collected leaves and created leaf prints after learning about plants and the functions of leaves in science
Today we learnt about artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo. We have been learning about plants in science and how we can be healthy in PSHE so we created portraits using fruit and vegetables as facial features inspired by his work.
We learnt about artist Alma Thomas - the first African American to have a solo exhibition at New York’s Museum of American Art! We created paintings inspired by her work
In literacy, we read and followed instructions and learnt about the different features in an instruction text. We made cucumber sandwiches!
We learnt about the last week of Jesus’ life in RE and created the hill where Jesus was crucified.