Creating a google document

Children have been learning how to create a google document. They learned to to change the font, it’s size and colour. They also learnt to import pictures from the internet, resize them and position them on the document.

Learning about Judaism through Art

Children learnt about Judaism through the lens of the arts. Here they are using blending techniques to depict an image of ‘God is always present’. Some children drew and painted the menorah and learnt about why it’s special to Jews.

Making models of rivers

In Topic children are learning about rivers. They made some river models, painted them and labelled the different features of a river.

Visiting The Tate Modern

Children had an opportunity to visit the Tate. They took the opportunity to look at different pieces of art work displayed there and had the opportunity to make their own sketches in their sketchbooks. Some children even sketched the river from the Millennium Bridge.

How sound is created

In Science, children learnt all about how sound travels. They created a musical instrument in Design and Technology and also wrote an explanation text in Literacy to tell people how to play their instrument. A very wholesome piece of cross curricular learning.

Fractions, decimals and percentages

Children have been learning about the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages. They were able to match values that are equal.

Making Lighthouses

Children have been learning about how to make circuits in science. They made circuits with a bulb, battery and wires. When connected correctly, the light bulb glows. In DT children have made lighthouses with working bulbs. They designed their lighthouses in groups and created them together and even added a circuit so the lighthouse would light up.

The Kingdom of Benin

Children have been learning about the Kingdom of Benin. They wrote a biography of Oba Eweka I and made a timelinefor the events.In addition to this, they made banners for an Ekesa ceremony and learned to play drums for the occasion. Year 4 had their Ekasa ceremony with drummers and a procession. The Oba then chose his Ekasa based on their dancing and their banners. Being chosen as Ekasa is a great honour!

Autumn 2

Copper Beech have had a jam-packed half term. The children have learnt and done so much.

In computing children have been creating digital are as well as using the Scratch program to make a character.

In music children have been practising Samba and creating music.

In art, children have drawn and coloured pictures of different season. They have also made mosaic tiles in the style of the Romans.

In RE children learnt why the Qur'an is special to Muslims and went to visit a local mosque.

In forest school and science, children learnt about different habitats.

In DT children worked collaboratively and made different elements of a Roman wall out of cardboard boxes.

It's been fun!

Making Roman Shields

Children enjoyed designing and making Roman shields. They tested their shields for durability and were able to evaluate how well the shields performed. Children also commented on the positive aspects of their shield's design as well as ways they could be improved.

Programming in computing

Children are using the Scratch programme to learn how to make a sprite and make codes to programme their sprite to move, make sounds, change the size of their sprite and to add a background.

Forest School

Copper Beech class went to Hackney Marshes for forest school. They had an amazing time climbing trees, doing mud painting, collecting worms, mading wood discs and printing by hammering leaves.

Wow Day as Romans

Copper Beech Class were Romans the day for their wow day. First children dressed in togas. Then they made a laurel wreath for our heads. After that they had a delicious Roman feast of bread, cheese, honey, olive oil and grapes. Finally they decorated biscuits in the design of a Roman coin.

A River's Story

For this half terms topic, we have been learning all about the journey of a river. To start, we created our very own model rivers packed full of features. Can you spot them all?

Next, we got fully immersed in what if feels like to be in a river by jumping in some kayaks! Some of us got a bit more of the river that we intended… Check out our class dojo for a wicked video made by some children in our class.

Finally, to bring together everything we have been learning about, we created our own mini rivers during a very special full days forest school. Again, check our class dojo for a video showing all of our great work.

Lights, camera action!

This half term we have been looking at everything light related. From writing a newspaper article about the inventors, Thomas Edison and Lewis Latimer to the design of our very own light houses, we have done it all!

First we experienced life without the electric light bulb and imaged a world where all we had was candle light.

We explored how we can create art and stories through the use of shadow and light.

Next, we brought together all of our knowledge of circuits to create our very own light houses. This proved much more difficult than we imagined, but everyone showed great resilience and demonstrated good knowledge of how circuits are created.

Finally, at our forest school session, we sculped our very own circuit packed full of crazy components. We then acted out being the electrons in our very own huge circuit.

The Kingdom of Benin

This half term we have explored everything to do with the ancient Kingdom of Benin. Not to be confused with the country of Benin, the ancient kingdom used to exist in what is now Nigeria and has a fascinating history!

First, we had our very own Ekasa ceremony which is occurs when an Oba (king) is coronated.

We also had drumming lessons to learn more about West African rhythms.

We used drama to re-enact parts of Eweka the firsts life.

Finally, we created traditional Benin tiles which were often used as gifts for the Oba.

Forest School! - Animals and their habitats

We are so lucky to have access to regular forest school sessions. This time we explored hackney marshes, the organisms that live there and their habitats. Ask your children about different ways we can classify organisms.