Reception Ash 2024 - 2025 Autumn 2

It has been so nice to see the children of Ash class settle back quickly after the October break. As the weather has become darker and colder, we have been doing a lot of indoor arts and crafts to do with the weather and how the seasons change, collecting different coloured leaves to make collages and explore the season of autumn.

Our topic this term has been “transport” and the children have loved role playing in the classroom, pretending to work at a garage, fixing the broken tricycles and seeing how cars work. In Literacy, we made our own passports, writing our names and dates of birth and looking at maps to see where in the world we would like to visit! On our “wow” day, we were lucky enough to sit in the driver’s seat of the headteacher’s car (though he didn’t like it when we honked the horn too loud), and we have also been coming up with new ideas for vehicles, including a flying caravan, and a helicopter that can also be a submarine!

We were also fortunate enough to go on a trip to the cable cars at Greenwich, travelling on multiple forms of transport across London, and seeing the amazing view from above. We had so much fun!

In maths this term, we looked at the composition of numbers up to 10, beginning to understand that smaller numbers can be added together to form bigger numbers. We also learned about positional language and developed our awareness of both 2D and 3D shapes, using our newfound vocabulary to describe their properties and what happens when we move/ rotate them.

We have had lots of fun this term and are now ready for a relaxing winter break!