Math - Spring 2

We worked on measurement. We used out feet, realised it was not the best way to get an acurate measurement.We then used cubes and finally, explored using rulers.
We also used scales to measure weight and balance different objects, comparing what was heavier or lighter.
We finally discussed time and sequenced the event of a day.

Spring 1 - Seasons walk to Victoria Park

We took a walk to Victoria Park to explore how winter has changed our surroundings. We looked at how most trees have lost all their leaves and are dormant, waiting for Spring.
We thern returned and made an art piece, decorating trees for winter using cotton wool for snow, and and decorating with beads, glitter and snowflakes.

Spring - Famous Authors

This half term we learned about famous authors and how they write their stories. We focused on Tola Okogwu, Julia Donaldson, Oliver Jeffers, Michale Rosen and AA Milne.
We had the pleasure of having a video conference with Tola Okogwu, the Author of “Daddy Do My Hair”.
We also became authors by the end, and wrote and illustrated our stories. They are now part of the books we read every morning.
We made a honeypot for Winnie the Pooh using paper mache, and we also made our faces and weaved “hair” into braids, afte reading Tola Okogwu’s books.

We also enjoyed a trip to the Homerton Library, to explore more books and places where we can anjoy them.

Math - Autumn 2

We learned about composing and decomposing number in different ways. We also explored 2d and 3d shapes.

Art - Autumn 2

We had lovely chances to explore with colour and mixing. We used different techniques to achieve this. We also had a bast making our Christmas cards by printing our hands and turning them into snowmen.

Transport - Autumn 2

We focused on transport and how we use it to takes us to other places.

We explored different types as cars, trains, boats. planes bikes and motorcycles. We did this through stories and using shapes and differnt materials to create vehicles. Here are some examples of their creative play and their shared outcomes.

We also focused on materials for science. What would be good to make a boat? Does is float, sink? Is it strong? Does it roll? Is it strong enough?

We had little experiments to test our ideas.

Philosphy for children

We held some interesting discussions during philosophy in which we challenge our thoughts, listen to other people’s ideas and put forward our own thoughts. Here are some examples.

What rules would you make up if you were queen/king? Is it a fair rule?

“I would tell everyone to give me chocolate cake”
”I would give everyone a nice toy surprise”

Who’s job would you like to have at Berger and why?

What would you give up for a long time, if you had to choose between Tv, toys, fast food and sweets, ipad, or the park?

Autumn Trip

In order to learn about Autumn and how the season’s change, we took a trip down to Victoria Park. We explored leaves and the colours we could see. We counted them, compared them and discussed how they came to be on the floor.
We also enjoyed a snack and some drawing of what we could see.

Litearcy - Autumn 1

We have been learning to write the letters of the alphabet and to sound them out. We are also focusing on writing our names and listening to range of stories. We even act them out!

Learning through play - Autumn 1

We have loads of examples of how the children engage in their learning through play. Have a peek!

Autumn 1 - Math

This half term we have been focusing on numbers 0-10. We have been counting, ordering, decomposing and composing them. We have been going deep on subitising and matching amounts to numerals. Here are some of the activities we have been doing.

Autumn 1 - Now and Then wow Day

We started our year learning how we change with the passing of time. For our WOW Day, to introduce the tiopic, we turned our classroom into a nursery, so that the children could explore what they used to need when they were babies.
We tried some baby food and we also showed pictures of how they changed from babies to now.

Summer 1 - RE and PSHE

We leraned about Eid, mostly from our peers! We laso had the chance to practice basic first aid and learn about how to keep healthy by eating well and staying clean.

Summer 1 - Litearcy

We wrote about habitats, found rhyming words and made up some rhymes about certain animals. We read a lot of books about many different habitats and intricate stories that helped us understand what those habitats are like.

Summer 1 Maths

This half term we worked on number bonds to ten, doubles and addition and subtraction. We used a lot of resources to subitise and add on, or games that help boost our bonds memory. We also compared quantities and learned about greater than and less than and introduced the symbols for these.

Summer 1 - Free Flow

Our environments is made for children to choose what they would like to play and do. Here are some pictures that showcase wqhat we have been doing in class during this half term. We tend to choose creative activities that engage children and inspire them to become interested in the topic.

Summer 1 - Habitats- WOW Day

We launched our topic “Habitats” with a visit to the Hackney Marshes, were we explored the forest habitat. We made homes for mini beasts and explored the area. We also enjoyed a yuummy snack and drink.

Understanding of the world - Spring 2

We explored Spring, and how things start to bloom due to the sun and rain. We planted out own seeds to understand life cycles better. We had a good time in forest school, exploring the lanmd and making mobiles and painting with mud.

Spring 2 - Maths

We worked a lot on addition and subtraction this half term. Learning different strategies that would help them solve a problem, like using numberlines, concrete objects or their fingers!