WOW day - Florence Nightingale

We took part in a range of activities to kick start our topic; Florence Nightingale. We had a hot seating activity, where we interviewed Florence Nightingale, asking her lots of questions about her life. We did some dressing up, role play, drawing and got creative making lamps.

Sports Day!

We had lots of part taking part in different activities.

Big Draw

Drawing to represent ways to protect our environment. We used chalk in the playground!

Alma Thomas

We used a sponge dabbing technique to create abstract prints inspired by the work of Alma Thomas.


We made wraps for our picnic! We chose from ingredients such as falafel, hummus, tuna, cheese and salad to create our very own delicious wraps.

London Landmarks

In Literacy, we read the story Katie in London and used our bodies to retell the story. We used our bodies to make famous landmarks visited by Katie. We love learning through drama!

Runner Beans

We investigated how runner beans grow. We took steps to grow our own runner beans in plastic bottles. We then wrote instructions on how to grow a runner bean plant.

Star of David

As an introduction to our RE topic of Judaism, Willow class made Star of Davids to recognise and portray the importance of this symbol of Jewish identity and Judaism.

Kenyan Landscapes

We have been reading and adapting the story; Lila and the Secret of Rain in our Literacy lessons. We have described Kenyan villages, where the story is set. Following on from our Literacy lessons, we created a collage of a Kenyan landscape in our Art lesson. We used a gradient of different colours to represent the land, mountains, the sun and the sky.


In our Maths lessons we have been learning about standard and non-standard units of measurement. We enjoyed a practical lesson, where we measured the length of different objects in our classroom.

Barbara Hepworth

We created abstract sculptures using different shapes, inspired by the work of the famous sculptor; Barbara Hepworth.