Autumn 1 - 2024
Topic- Hazel class kicked off their WOW Day with a Roman feast! They even created their own Togas and vine crowns for the occasion…
Maths - Hazel class are showing how addition calculations can be represented using a number of different methods.
Spanish - we are learning Spanish phonetics!
Literacy - We explored how to make our verbs more powerful before writing our Samhain Moon poems.
Computing - We created a Roman Gladiator course and used an algorithm to avoid the bee being touched by any of them!
DT - After finishing our design briefs we have begun to make our Roman shields!
PSHE - NSPCC, Speak Our & Stay Safe. After learning about different types of abuse, we created our own eye-catching posters using key information.
Science - We are looking at how plants and animals can be classified!
Forest School - We tried balancing on slippery logs so that we wouldn’t fall into the lava!
RE - We looked at why the Qur’an is special to Muslims.