Save Our Seas! In Spring Term, we went on a protest around Well Street to raise awareness of the damage being caused to our seas.

Here is what Jubel said about our march:

“Our march was one of the most eventful and enjoyable days I’ve ever had in Year 6. It felt empowering doing what was right for both me and my planet. We were fighting for a good cause and most people in our area were moved by our message. It is an outrageous action to throw rubbish in our beautiful ocean. Our governments are very ignorant when it comes to protecting our environment so we must take action - and that’s exactly what we did. We took to the streets and spoke our mind; shouting and screaming our hearts our while showing off our wonderful posters which were also fun to create. We used cardboard boxes and paper to make our protest posters and we even got to decorate them in a nice environmentally friendly way. At the protest was a wonderful leader shouting out chants like “STOP THE POLLUTION, THAT’S THE CONCLUSION!” At the end of the day, it was a great experience and made a great impact”.

What should we protest next?